Longbikes MurocI have mentioned some new product that I am working on to some people in phone conversations so I think it is probably OK to open my mouth here. Without going into detail at this time, let me just say that there is a new SWB in the works which draws on my many years of racing cars and the quest for speed. It will be called the Muroc, named after Muroc dry lake in Southern California, one of the original locations of automobile speed trials, 20 to 30 years before the Bonneville Salt Flats were commonly raced on. My personal experience starts with Bonnevile in the mid 1960's, setting several records, gaining membership into the Bonneville 200 MPH club in 1969 and ultimately driving our little roadster to around 235 MPH in 1971. Needless to say, I am not just a stogy old designer and machinist … the Muroc will give you a new way to look at Longbikes. Update: July 23, 2011 The frame is almost finished. I just need to add seat mounts and braze-ons. I then need to machine a few titanium and aluminum steering parts before I can put the thing on the ground. I have a tentative meeting scheduled next month with some local carbon fiber aircraft people to discuss taking the frame that way, and the bike must be done for that meeting. In the meantime, I need to decide on titanium or carbon fiber for the frame; I know it will not be aluminum. |